Create a Custom Calendar View value

Create a Custom Calendar View value

If you want to create a custom calendar view in FileMaker where you can view dates of one month, there are clickable dates for performing specific actions or viewing records.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  • Create a Calendar Table
    • Create a new table called Calendar with the following fields:
      • Date (Date)
      • Day (Number)
      • Weekday (Text)
      • Month (Text)
      • Year (Number)
      • RecordID (Text) – For linking to specific records if needed
  • Design the Layout
    • Create a layout in FileMaker that will act as your calendar view. Configure the field to display a grid that represents the days of the month.
    • Add fields like Day, Month, and Year to display the current month’s dates.
    • Create buttons to visit in the next/previous months.
  • Script to Populate the Calendar TableHere is a script that generates the dates for a month and creates a Calendar table:

    # Define the current month and year
    Set Variable [$currentDate; Value: Get ( CurrentDate )]
    Set Variable [$currentYear; Value: Year ( $currentDate )]
    Set Variable [$currentMonth; Value: Month ( $currentDate )]

    # Calculate the first and last day of the month
    Set Variable [$firstDayOfMonth; Value: Date ( $currentMonth ; 1 ; $currentYear )]
    Set Variable [$lastDayOfMonth; Value: Date ( $currentMonth + 1 ; 1 ; $currentYear ) – 1]

    # Clear existing records in Calendar table
    Go to Layout [ “Calendar” (Calendar) ]
    Show All Records
    Delete All Records [ No dialog ]

    # Loop through each day of the month
    Set Variable [$currentDay; Value: $firstDayOfMonth]
    Exit Loop If [ $currentDay > $lastDayOfMonth ]

    # Create a new record for each day
    New Record/Request
    Set Field [ Calendar::Date ; $currentDay ]
    Set Field [ Calendar::Day ; Day ( $currentDay ) ]
    Set Field [ Calendar::Weekday ; Get ( DayOfWeek ) ]
    Set Field [ Calendar::Month ; MonthName ( $currentDay ) ]
    Set Field [ Calendar::Year ; $currentYear ]

    # Move to the next day
    Set Variable [$currentDay; Value: $currentDay + 1]
    End Loop

    # Go back to the calendar layout and refresh
    Go to Layout [ “Calendar View” (Calendar) ]
    Refresh Window [ Flush cached join results ]

    • Create Navigation Buttons
      • Create buttons in your calendar design to move between months. This button will change the $currentMonth and $currentYear variables accordingly and rerun the script to update the calendar.
    • Link Records to Dates
      • If you want each date to be associated with a specific record (e.g., events or schedule), you can use the RecordID field to associate each date with a record in another table. Modify the script to include relationships or analysis as needed.

    Additional Notes

    • This script creates a simple calendar view. Depending on your needs, you may want to add additional features such as conditional formatting, event indicators, or advanced filtering.
    • Make sure your FileMaker solution is set up to allow for scripting and configuration changes as needed.




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